Friday 3 May 2024

Tumping around Oban-4 (Isle of Kerrera)

 24 April 2024

Where: Barr Dubh, 114m/374', P 48m, Tump, OS 49, NM 828 293 and Barr nan Cadhag, 114m/374', P 40m, Tump, OS 49, NM 823 295

My final day of the short trip and I was up early to get the first ferry to Kerrera, a five minute journey from Gallanach......

From the ferry terminal on the island I headed straight inland on a good track. Just before reaching Balliemore farm, I headed north over grassy sheep pastures with Barr Dubh now in view..... 

There were a couple of burn and fence crossings but with bridges and gates just where they were needed and I was soon on the slopes of the hill. Looking across the valley to my next objective, Barr nan Cadhag with Mull beyond.....

Looking north.....

Looking south to Carn Breugach, the highest hill on Kerrera which I had done a couple of times before.....

I dropped back down to rejoin the main track which I followed for a bit until it forked and then picked up other tracks which took me to Barr nan Cadhag. The approach.....

Me on the summit of Barr nan Cadhag with the Mull mountains beyond.....

Looking north to the Ardgour and Etive mountains.....


There was no shortage of tracks hereabouts so I crossed country back to the main track where I came across this local craft shop which relies on honesty box payments.....

Then it was back to the ferry terminal where I sat around for awhile in the sunshine watching the ferry crossing to and from the mainland.....

An excellent short day, there were a lot of visitors to the island but I had these two hills to myself. Still two Tumps to do on Kerrera, one each at the north and south ends of the island so a reason to come back. I certainly recommend a trip to Kerrera!

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