Friday 15 May 2020

Gartshore Bing

15 May 2020

Participants: Just me
Where: Gartshore Bing, 101m/331', P 35m, Tump, OS 64, NS 685 734

Most of my walks with Ben during Covid-19 lock down have been along country tracks and up a very small former bing near Twechar, St Flannan's Hill. I have also explored side roads  and paths in a nature reserve near home and through the latter devised a way to get to Gartshore Bing which is only half the distance than if I followed the main roads. So when a day with excellent visibility came along I was ready to give it another visit. Unfortunately, as my route involved clambering over a couple of fences, I couldn't take Ben, although I now think that I might have found an alternative that avoids fences.

From the north on a different walk.....

The approach from Waterside.....

The track up.....

The view to Glasgow with the hills of Arran on the distant horizon.....

The view over Kirkintilloch to the Campsie Fells.....

The view north-east to Kilsyth and the Campsie Fells.....

The view east along central Scotland.....

And the view south to distant Tinto.....

I am lucky in that I stay on the edge of the countryside and there are some walks from home; it must be hell living in a flat in a city. However it was good to be on a "hill" again and I hope not too long before restrictions are at least eased so we can travel to some other hills.

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