Saturday 5 October 2024

Kilbride Hill (Cowal)

 2 October 2024

Where: Kilbride Hill, 396m/1,299', P36m, Tump, OS 63, NS 143 756

A lovely early autumn day for a trip to Dunoon to climb Kilbride Hill, situated above extensive woodland to the west of Dunoon. As always, it was an enjoyable short crossing on Western Ferries..... 

I parked in the FC car park at Corlarach and set off up the hill following the blue marker posts.....

This took me to the upper edge of the forest, latterly following the line of the Berry burn, Where the track took a sharp right hand turn, I left it to follow a faint path still following the burn. There were good views from here back downhill  to the Clyde estuary and to Dunoon.....

and to Kilbride Hill ahead.....

The path, now faint, crossed the burn just short of the Bealach Gaothaich and headed more steeply up to the summit marked by a small cairn. This view is looking north to Bishop's Seat, another Tump, but not on todays agenda. The ground conditions off the path are pretty awful.....

Another view of Dunoon and the upper Clyde from just below the summit with the cloud starting to roll over, although it cleared again before I got back to the car.....

A most enjoyable walk of about 2 hours duration.