Saturday 17 August 2024

The Mount

 16 August 2024

Where: The Mount, 423m/1,388', P 110m, Hump, OS 72, NT 098421

The Mount is a wooded hill south of Kirkurd, it would be a great viewpoint if it wasn't for the trees!

There was good parking at the start of the forest track and I had taken the precaution of reading reports on Hill Bagging so that I knew which tracks and paths to take.  Just past an old quarry marked on the map but not obvious on the ground, I turned right on to another track going uphill and followed that until I came across a small cairn marking the start of a rough path that went easily all the way to the summit.....

There was a large cairn with the actual high point nearby. Unfortunately, the only view was a tantalising glimpse of the Culter hills.....

Monday 5 August 2024

Ciochan a'Chop

 30 July 2024

Where: Ciochan a'Chop, 731m/2,399', P 43m, Tump, OS 52, NN 808551

One of the higher Tumps, Ciochan a'Chop could probably be described as the north top of Meall Tairneachain, north of Aberfeldy. There is a high starting point on the road between Aberfeldy and Tummel Bridge and the bulk of the approach is along the track which leads to the former mine. The track rises steeply at first, levels out, and the rises steeply again to the col with Meall Tairneachain. Then follows a short trudge over heather and tussocks to the final slopes which rise to a fine rocky, pointed top. There is barely enough room to stand at the cairn and there are steep drops to the north and east. I liked this one.

The track is initially through a thick forest with only brief glimpses west to Schiehallion......

Emerging from the forest there is a fine view towards Ciochan a'Chop (left) and Meall Tairneachain (right).....

Schiehallion again.....

Meall Tairneachain ahead.....

Ciochan a' Chop from the col.....

Summit views, to Schiehallion, Beinn a'Ghlo, and Farragon Hill.....