Saturday 21 September 2024

South-west Scotland 1: Dow Hill and Shalloch Hill (Girvan)

 16 September and 19 September 2024

Where: Dow Hill, 159m/522', P 34m, Tump, OS 76, NX 193 961 and Shalloch Hill, 71m/233', P 33m, Tump, OS 76, NX 184 958

An Indian summer had arrived so I decided to tick a trip off my list. The main objective was the Mull of Galloway but I had identified a few other Tumps that could be bagged on the way. First stop was Girvan parking in the south car park and following a track which went over the railway line and round the west side of Dow Hill. Where it turned sharp right I took to the hill slopes and soon reached the summit which is the site of an ancient fort and a good viewpoint. I returned the same way.

Dow Hill from the car park.....

Heading up.....

View of Girvan.....

Ailsa Craig.....

Looking south to Byne Hill and the Marilyn, Grey Hill.....

I decided to leave Shalloch Hill for the return journey. It lies to the west of Dow Hill and can be described as an upland grassy field. The approach.....

Girvan from the summit.....

Cloud breaking off the top of Ailsa Craig.....

View to Dow Hill.....

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