Sunday 2 May 2010


29 April 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Dumyat, 418m/1,373', Sub-2,000' Marilyn, Map 57, NS 835977

A dull morning turned into a brighter afternoon so I decided to go for a walk. Dumyat, the most westerly of the Ochils, is ideal for a short day. I usually climb it  a few times each year. It's name apparently means fort of the Myaetae, a Pictish tribe. There are a number of possible routes but the easiest is to follow the gentle west slopes from a car park on the road that goes from Bridge of Allan to Sheriffmuir.

There is a good view of Stirling and the Wallace Monument from the start.....

The summit is a bit of a mess with a vandalised trig, a brazier erected as a beacon to celebrate the Queen's silver jubilee in 1977, and a large replica of the cap badge of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.....

However the view is good; this is looking east into the Ochils with Ben Cleuch distant, centre.....

On the walk up, I saw somewthing I had never seen before on ths hills, a naked walker! Well, naked apart from a pair of boots and a baseball cap! He also looked as though he spent the rest of his time under a sun lamp. Must have been an escapee from somewhere!

In order to extend the walk, I dropped down the north side of the hill to Lossburn reservoir.....

and walked back along a track to meet the road about a mile from the car. This is the quieter side of the hill and there is a good view of it from where the track joins the road.....

The stats for the walk were 4 miles with about 250m of ascent.

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