Wednesday 5 May 2010

Ben Venue

3 May 2010.

Participants - Me and Steven
Where - Ben Venue, 729m/2,391', Graham, Map 57, NN 474063

It was the May bank holiday so the hills were busy; I had to park on the verge at the side of the road as the car park was full. We took the south approach from Loch Ard; I have used both this and the approach from the hotel at Loch Achray and I reckon the Loch Ard approach is the best- much less forest. Ben Venue means hill of the caves; from Loch Ard it is a round trip of about 7 miles with almost 700m of ascent and it took us over 5 hours.

The first part of the route followed a narrow path, very muddy in places, through  birch trees high above the stream. This is the path close to the start, where it is wider and where there is no indication of the mud ahead.....

After about a mile, the path emerged from the trees and the views opened up. This is looking towards a hill at the top of the glen called Beinn Bhreac which I suppose is really another top of Ben Venue....

After crossing the stream, the path continued at a fairly gentle angle across the hillside below Beinn Bhreac. We reached a fence with a stile from where we could see Ben Venue for the first time.....

The path continued to contour across the hillside with a steep drop on the left hand side. There was also a first view of Loch Katrine- from where Glasgow gets much of its water supply- with the pointed peak of Stobinian prominent behind it. And with perfect timing, the steamer that takes tourists for trips on the loch put in an appearance to give the picture a bit of scale.....

The upper slopes of Ben Venue are quite rocky.....

and there are a few false summits before the cairn is reached. It was worth the effort however as it is a magnificent viewpoint with most of the hills of the southern highlands in view. This is Steven ensuring that he reached the very, very, very top. Ben Lomond is the big hill in the background (left).....

I think that the best view is up Loch Katrine.....

There is also a good view east to Loch Achray and Loch Venachar with Ben Ledi to its north.....

We had only just reached the top when I saw someone I recognised- Liz from the MBA who had come up from the Loch Achray side with a group of friends.

We didn't bother going on to the east summit- although it is the one with the trig it is 2m lower and the views would have been the same. So after sitting about in the sun in the shelter of the cairn for a bit we turned for home. Ben Lomond is again the hill in the distance, it is a hill that seems to get into most views in this part of the country.....

On the way down, we came across a wee pool with lots of frog spawn- now turning into tadpoles which were no doubt busy eating each other.....

And here are two pictures showing the route on the way down. Firstly Beinn Bhreac from the slopes of Ben Venue.....

and a view down the glen towards Loch Ard with the Campsie's in the distance.....

Walking back through the birch trees, we heard the sound of a cuckoo, the first of the year. A sign of summer approaching, although its persistant call does get a bit annoying!


  1. I found you by googling as I came across a very old picture of the hill at the back of a cupboard and wondered where it was.
    Your account of the walk and your photos made me desperate to see it but at 76 I think it's unlikely I will get there. I just felt I had to say thank you for the pleasure you have given me.

    Liz Hammond

  2. Thanks Liz, glad you are enjoying the blog.
