Thursday 22 April 2010

Lendrick Hill

21 April 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Lendrick Hill, 456m/1,496', Sub-2,000' Marilyn, Map 58, NO 019036

I was off to another MBA meeting and as it was a pleasant day, I left early so that I could get a walk. Lendrick Hill is one of two Marilyns in the Ochils on the east side of the Glendevon to Dunning road. This is the view of it from near Crook of Devon.....

Much of the hill is covered in conifers but after about 1/2 mile on the track I came across a cairn which indicated that the route was up a firebreak and this was also marked at intervals by "Walkers welcome" signs. The cairn and signs were new from my last visit here a couple of years ago. Out of the trees, there was a bitter wind blowing so I didn't linger very long at the cairn which is on top of a small mound and about 50 yards north of the trig. Best of the views was to Loch Leven and the Lomond hills.....

and there was also a good view of the wind turbines on Steele's Knowe, another Marilyn on the other side of the Dunning road. The hills beyond seemed to have a fresh dusting of snow so maybe winter is not over yet.....

On the way back to the car, there was a good view of Innerdownie and Whitewisp hills.....

This was little more than a stroll, using the marked firebreak to get up meant that the total distance was less than 2 miles, there was about 250m of ascent and the whole walk only took me about 1 hour and twenty minutes.

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