Friday 7 May 2010

Ben Bowie

7 May 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Ben Bowie, 314m/1,029', Sub-2,000' Marilyn, Map 56, NS 339828

Today was another day in which a dull morning gave way to a brighter afternoon so I decided to go for a walk. Ben Bowie, 314m/1,029', a Marilyn that sits above Helensburgh on the Clyde coast was my choice. This is a view of the hill from the town that I took last year.....

I started from the B832 road which goes between Arden and Helensburgh- there was space to park the car at the end of the track which starts from near Daligan farm. The track meanders gently across and around the hill so that I actually approached the summit from the south side of the hill. This is a view back down the track with a glimpse of the Cowal hills and the Gare Loch.....

There was a gap in the trees where the track levelled off, a short bit of rough ground and a final ascent of about 60m up a heather covered slope beside a fence and I was at the top. This is the view to Loch Lomond.....

and across the Clyde to Greenock with the hills of Arran in the background.....

Not bad for such little effort! Two hours was enough for this hill; the whole walk was about 3 miles with 260m of ascent.

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