Wednesday 21 April 2010

Creag Dhubh (Glen Spean)

16 April 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Creag Dhubh, 658m/2,160', Graham, Map 34, NN 322824

I found a narrow road off Glen Spean that led to Cille Choirill church and burial ground where there was a large car park. Apparently the church was built in the 15th century and named after St Cairell, an Irish monk from Iona. Here is the church with Creag Dhubh behind it.....

The area was obviously much more populated in years gone by; there were a number of old shielings at the foot of the hill...

My route was more or less straight up until I reached the west ridge which I followed to the top. Creag Dhubh (dark cliff) sits opposite the Easains- unfortunately, the sun was shining from that direction so I didn't get any photos of them. But there were views to east and west- east were the Munros of Beinn Tealach and Beinn a'Chaorainn.....

and west the Grey Corries and the Aonachs.....

While I was plodding up I heard the distinctive call of my favourite hill bird, the Golden Plover, the first of the year. Summer must definitely be on the way.

The stats for this hill, a new one for me, were a walk of 4 miles, 460m of ascent and I was out for just under 3 hours.

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