Wednesday 21 April 2010

Beinn Chlaonleud

15 April 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Beinn Chlaonleud, 479m/1,572', Sub-2,000' Marilyn, Map 49 NM 748543

 My short visit to Mull was over and I was heading for Roybridge for an MBA meeting. So the day started with another ferry journey, this time the short hop across the Sound of Mull from Fishnish to Lochaline. The first picture is the ferry Loch Fyne at Fishnish pier and the second is the ferry at Lochaline.

Beinn Chlaonleud is an easy climb from the Lochaline to Strontian road. It lies to the west of Gleann Geal and has a high start point- even better as I was a bit tired from my exertions in Mull. Parking can be a problem on single track roads but I found a big parking area at the entrance to a forest immediately east of the summit. This is a view of the hill from further up the glen.....

It wasn't particularly steep and the underfoot conditions were good for the most part and I was at the cairn in about 50 minutes. This is the view looking north to the hills of Ardgour with the pointed peak of Sgurr Dhomhnuill prominent and Garbh Bheinn on the right.....

And this is the view back to Mull.....

So an easy day, it took less than 2 hours in total and was only 2 miles with 310m of ascent. But another new Marilyn to go on my list.

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