Tuesday 20 April 2010

Dun da Ghaoithe

13 April 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Dun da Ghaoithe, 766m/2,512', Corbett, Map 49, NM 672362

 It was a bit cooler today and not so hazy so perfect for doing this Corbett. Dun da Ghaoithe (fort of two winds) is the hill that is prominent in views from Oban and from the ferry.

I drove back to Craignure and took the minor road to Upper Achnacroish, where there is a car park. This is a long and fairly gentle route to the hill and had the advantage of a track for the first two miles, as far as the second of two radio masts at around 540m.

I got my first view of the two tops of Dun da Ghaoithe when I reached the first mast.....

together with a view down the Sound of Mull towards Ardnamurchan and the outer Isles.....

The going was excellent over mainly short cropped grass.....

The ridge became more defined and narrowed as I approached the first top (754m).....

This top has the trig although it is 12m lower than the west top, which is about 1/2 mile away.....

There wasn't too much descent and reascent to the main top. The best of the view from here was towards Ben More with Beinn Talaidh in front of it.....

On a previous visit I had climbed the hill directly from the main road west of the ferry terminal and descended by the track but I remember these slopes as being very rough and I noticed that there is now the added complication of forestry plantings on that side of the hill. So I returned the way that I came; this made a trip of about 8 miles with around 740m of ascent. It took me just under 6 hours.

Finally, two other views of the hill, firstly from Lochaline on the opposite side of the Sound of Mull and secondly a sunset shot that I took from Oban 3 nights before.

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