Tuesday 23 March 2010

Ben Gulabin

16 March 2010.

Participants - Me and Steven
Where - Ben Gulabin, 806m/2,644', Corbett, Map 43, NO 101722

 Ben Gulabin (hill of the beak) is situated above the Spital of Glenshee. Its name apparently relates to the Fingalian legend of Diarmid, the hunter.

It is an easy walk; we parked about 1/2 mile north of the hotel at the start of a track that ascends gently to the col on the north side of the hill. This is looking back to the start of the track.....

The track passes the remains of an old ski tow, all that is left of an early ski development in this area. Since I was last here a few years ago, a new track has been bulldozed from the col to almost the summit of Ben Gulabin, presumably for the benefit of shooters. There were a lot of grouse about, more than I have seen before in this area so it looks as though this hill is being managed specifically for grouse shooting. Anyway, here I am approaching the top of the track.....

It was not far from there to the summit cairn and a fine view down to the Spital.....

It was quite cold on top so we didn't linger too long. This is the view on the way down looking north to the Cairnwell (centre, with the radio masts on top)......

Although the snow cover is now disappearing fast, there were still some deep drifts for the unwary to fall into.....

This is one of the easier Corbetts; the return walk is only about 4 miles with 530m of ascent and it took 2 hours and 50 minutes.

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