Monday 5 April 2010

Corse Hill

4 April 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Corse Hill, 376m/1,232', Sub-2,000' Marilyn, Map 64, NS 598464

I like wind turbines, provided that they don't spoil remote places. I find the gentle swish of the blades soothing. One ideal place for turbines is in Whitelee forest, just to the south of Glasgow. This used to be an area of forest and rough moorland with not a lot to commend it; in my view, the turbines have added interest and there is now a good network of tracks for walking, cycling etc. The fact that the highest point of the wind farm is also a Marilyn made another reasons for visiting. The highest point is named Corse Hill.

It had been raining earlier in the day but an afternon clearance gave just enough time to visit using the shortest way to the top-an old forest track from the houses at Carrot, south of Eaglesham. The turbines started to appear immediately.....

The 140 turbines at Whitelee are among the biggest currently made for on-shore sites, each one is 2MW installed capacity I think.....

This is the approach to the summit of Corse Hill, the trig can just be seen on the high ground to the left of the turbine.....

and the view over Glasgow from the trig.....

and here are two views of the wind farm generally.....

This was a short walk on tracks all of the way; the return trip is 4 miles with a height gain of only about 130m. It took 2 hours.

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