Tuesday 23 March 2010

Sgiath a'Chaise

10 March 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Sgiath a'Chaise, 645m/2,116', Graham, Map 57, NN 583169

 Sgiath a'Chaise (steep wing i.e. shelter) is the highest point of the ridge on the west side of Glen Ample, north of Callander. It's western spur, Meall Mor, is well seen when driving north from Callander.....

It was an absolutely cracking day- deep blue sky and with a fair amount of snow on the ground- when I parked in the lay-by at Ardchullarie More at the side of Loch Lubnaig. This is the same starting point as for Stuc a'Chroin and Beinn Each or just a walk along Glen Ample. I had a fairly early start and the track was a bit icy so I donned my micro spikes. From the spot where I put them on there was a good view back to Ben Ledi on the other side of the loch.

And soon Sgiath a'Chaise came into view.....

My route was to strike uphill when just past the trees and to reach the ridge as soon as possible. The most recent snowfall must have come in from the north west for whereas the hills on the east side of the glen were well covered, my destination was almost clear. This is the view from the ridge to the summit....

The combination of blue skies and snow covered hills certainly enhanced what are good views at any time. Here is the view up Glen Ample towards Loch Tay and the Ben Lawers hills...

and across the glen to Stuc a'Chroin with the top of Ben Vorlich just visible top left....

and west to Stobinian and Ben More.

All in all, it was an excellent day. I lazed about for quite a while on top so the whole trip took me a shade over 4 hours. The distance was about 5 miles and there was around 520m of ascent.

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