Saturday 21 September 2024

Wee Hill of Craigmullach


12 September 2024

Where: Wee Hill of Craigmullach, 427m/1,401', P 49m, Tump, OS 77, NX 482 959

A rare sunny day! This hill had been on my radar for a while, I had climbed the neighbouring Marilyn, Craiglee, some years before but was almost certain that I had not included this top. So it was off to Loch Doon and the car park at the old castle.....

The path up the hill started from the side of the castle and was signposted. It was a bit overgrown initially but once past a small forest everything opened up and there were good views down to the loch with the main Galloway hills beyond......

There was also a view north to Craiglee as I got higher.....

It was a fairly gentle climb to the summit on a good path and I was soon approaching the substantial cairn.....

The Galloway Hills- The Merrick in the centre with the view spreading north to Shalloch on Minnoch.....

It was a great view and I sat at the cairn for a while taking it all in. And I was now sure that I hadn't visited this top last time I was in the area.

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