Monday 3 June 2024

Fotheringham Hill

 31 May 2024

Where: Fotheringham Hill, 254m/833', P 110m, Hump, OS 54, NO 465 457

I was heading north to climb a couple of hills in Glen Esk but decided to make it a two day trip stopping to climb this hill, at Inverarity south of Forfar, on day one. It is a heavily wooded hill, here seen from Inverarity.....

I parked in the church car park in Inverarity and walked north along the road for a short distance to Bottymyre and the start of a track which went all the way to the summit. It was a gentle climb and after a bit I passed a look out point which I later found out was an old summer house named The Henroost.....

After passing an old weather station the trees thinned out and I was soon approaching the summit.....

It was impossible to find the exact highest point...

and unfortunately the heat haze meant that the far views were restricted, the hills of the Angus Glens almost totally obscured.....

Back at the car, there was a "soupfest" in aid of church funds and I accepted an invitation to go in for a welcome cup of tea (donation made).

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