Tuesday 28 May 2024

Cairnsaigh Hill

 20 May 2024

Where:Cairnsaigh Hill, 288m/945', P 50m, Tump, OS 71, NS 609 361

It was cloudy when I got up but started to brighton up around noon. The temperature was also down a few degrees on recent values and there was a cooling breeze. And the forecast was for turning wet the rest of the week. So I made a late decision to go hillwalking again. I headed for the South Lanarkshire- East Ayrshire boundary to do Cairnsaigh Hill, which involved only a short walk. It turned into another beautiful day and it was a pleasant wee hill with good views. 

I parked on a minor road to the east just before a bridge over the Avon Water and walked back up the road to the start of a windfarm track. It said "No Entry" so I jumped a gate into a field and walked up parallel to the track for a bit before crossing an old wall into another field and then on to the open hill. There were gates in all of the right places and the terrain was mainly short grass so easy peasy.

Looking to Loudoun Hill from the start and from near the summit.....

Some of the views. There was a communications hut and mast on top but they didn't detract.....

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