Sunday 19 May 2024

 10 May 2024.

Where: Meall Reamhar, 669m/2,195', P 61m, Tump, OS 52, NN 877 326

A Perthshire Tump/Sim - Meall Reamhar north of the Sma Glen. A fine viewpoint. I parked opposite the start of the track leaving the A822 at the 298m point and followed the track to its end. A new track continues north round the hill to a much higher point but I chose to continue over grass and heather straight up. I used the new track on the way down; if I was doing this hill again I would go up the new track. Views were a bit hazy.

A view of the hill from the parking area in the Sma' Glen.....

On the path up and the junction of the old and new tracks.....

It was a mix of grass and heather once I had left the path up.....

There was both a trig and a small cairn about 20 metres apart, the cairn is the high point.....

The view down to the Sma' Glen.....

Starting down on the new track and a view north-east.....

Me at the trig.....

A pleasant walk, curlews calling lower down, lots of grouse.

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