Monday 6 June 2011


2 June 2011.

Participants - Neil and Ben
Where - Morrone, 859m/2,819', Corbett, Map 43, NO 132886

After a month of poor weather, it had suddenly turned fine so it was a chance to do some hills further away from home. So I headed to the north-east for a few days where I still had some new Marilyns to visit. I wasn't sure what to do on the way up- something around Braemar that would not take too long- and as visibility was excellent I wanted a good summit view point. Driving down Glen Clunie, Morrone caught my eye as one that would fulfill the criteria.

On previous occasions I had used the Braemar approach so for a change I decided to use the tracks up the south side of the hill. There was plenty of room to park the car at the start of the track just off the old road to Braemar in Glen Clunie (almost opposite Achallater).  This picture is from the track near the start with the summit of Morrone over to the right.....

The views soon started to open up- this is looking back down Glen Clunie to a distant Carn Aosda which I was to climb a few days later in much different weather conditions.....

It was certainly hot today but the track made for easy walking; there are now so many tracks on these hills that they are becoming just part of the landscape and whatever you think of them, they do make the climbs easier, particularly if, like me, you are not as fit as you used to be! The track contoured across the hillside at a fairly gentle angle and the summit soon came into sight.....

As well as the phone mast and buildings, there was a substantial cairn.....

The views to the Cairngorms were excellent today; this is looking to the bigees of Cairn Toul, Braeriach and Ben Macdui......

with Beinn a'Bhuird further to the east.....

The ugly buildings served one useful purpose today- they provided some shade in which to sit and take in the views. But I still had a bit of driving to do so after about 15 minutes, we set off down again. Although it was the same route in reverse, the perspective was different; this is looking to the hills around Glen Ey- some remote stuff there.....

and then when the track swung to the east there was a good view to Lochnagar.....

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