Tuesday 7 June 2011

Ben Newe

4 June 2011

Participants - us again
Where - Ben Newe, 565m/1,854', Sub-2,000' Marilyn, Map 37, NJ 382143

When I got back to the car after climbing Mona Gowan, the temperature gauge registered 28 C. When I set off this morning it was registering 9 C. The temperature reached the dizzy heights of 13 C during the day which remained cloudy with bits of drizzle at times. Ahhh, the Scottish weather! I was staying at Aboyne and drove the short distance to Strathdon for this Marilyn. I had read a report that there was a route up through the trees on a marked trail that started at a car park just off the A97 at 395139. This is Ben Newe from the south which shows the extensive forestry on this side of the hill.....

The car park was easy to find because I knew it was there; there was a directional sign on the main road but it wasn't particularly obvious. I followed the yellow route through the forest which was a mix of  different types of trees.

I suspected that there might be deer about and sure enough, not long after setting off, the Furry One careered off into the trees and raised a small deer. I thought that he must be gone this time but no, he returned after a few minutes and we resumed our walk with Ben now on the lead until we cleared the trees. The marked trail continued through the forest but a path had formed at the edge of the trees so we took that with the summit now in view ahead.....

It is obviously a popular walk, there was a large cairn and a wooden bench.....

Unfortunately it had remained cloudy but most of the tops were clear so there was a view; this is looking north with The Buck the pointed hill in the far distance.....

I was nervous about encountering more deer so we went back by the same route, when we got to the bit where we had encountered the deer on the way up Ben went back on his lead. And sure enough, I spotted the deer again in among the trees although Ben didn't notice it on this occasion. It was an easy short walk and the views are pretty good when you get past the trees.

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