Monday 2 May 2011

Binnein Shuas

Participants - Neil, Steven and Ben

Where - Binnein Shuas, 746m/2,447', Graham, OS map 42

We were staying at Laggan for a couple of nights so I had a big choice of hills to do. Binnein Shuas looked to be a good one; in my Munro bagging days I must have passed it a number of times and not paid it much attention! Time to rectify that! It was a glorious sunny day- here is a view of the hill from Loch Laggan.....

The starting point was the lay-by at Luiblea and it was full! Fortunately there was another lay-by a couple of hundred yards further on and I got parked there. A lady that we met on the hill told us that it was someone in her clubs' final Munro that day so that explained why it was so busy. The first mile or so was along an excellent track; the same one that's used if doing Beinn a'Chlachair and its neighbouring Munros. The hillside when we took to it was quite rough lower down, lots of tufted grass but at least it was dry underfoot.....

The walking got much better when the angle started to increase and the views opened out behind us. The next pictures are looking back with the Grey Corries in the distance......

The view of Loch Laggan got more impressive as height was gained; this is a view down to it with the Munro of Beinn a'Chaorainn beyond.....

High up there were lots of rocky areas but these were easily by-passed. Ben went on to his lead at this point; it was no place for an over active spaniel to be running about. I wandered about taking a few photographs; when I got back to the cairn and we were ready to start down, Ben was let off his lead. He is very inquisitive and immediately shot off to where I had been which just happened to be at the edge of a cliff! Fortunately, on this occasion he responded to shouted commands so no harm done but he went back on the lead until we had left the rocky area behind. Must send him on a mountain walking course!! Anyway, here are some of the pictures. The summit looking west.....

Loch Laggan and Beinn a'Chaorainn.....

Loch Laggan and Creag Megaidh.....

To the neighbouring Graham of Binnein Shios between Loch Laggan and Lochan na h-Earba.....

We went back the same way. There was a good view to Beinn a'Chaorainn just before reaching the track.....

And here I am with Ben at the bridge over the River Spean with our hill in the background.....

It had been a hot day and I think that Ben was glad to get back into his temporary home in the car.....

I can highly recommend this walk.

1 comment:

  1. Testing...I`ve been unable to leave a comment for quite a while now..
