Monday 28 March 2011

Meall Buidhe (Glen Ogle)

27 March 2011.

Participants - the usual suspects
Where - Meall Buidhe (Glen Ogle), 719m/2,359', Graham, Map 51, 578277

It was very misty when I looked out but with a poor forecast for much of the coming week, I was banking on today turning out ok so I could get my walk. So I put my trust in the MWIS and put The Furry One in the boot and turned the car north. By the time I got to the highest point of the Crow road- which resembles more of a track in places with enormous potholes- blue sky was appearing over the hills ahead and it was looking good. I didn't have any definite objective in mind. Ben Ledi was looking good so I stopped for a look but the car park was full. So I pressed on through Strathyre and Lochearnhead and this view of Meall Buidhe from just outside the latter made my mind up.....

I parked at the picnic area at the head of Glen Ogle. This would be a rough hill to climb were it not for a track that gently ascends from the car park to a phone mast at about the 550m height.....

The forest area was contained on the lower slopes and I was soon clear of that and the views were opening up behind me (pity about the unsightly mast but there is a price to pay for everything and the useful track makes up for it).....

The going was rough after leaving the track and I kept to the higher ground as much as possible aiming for the foot of the north ridge of Meall Buidhe. I spied a few sheep on the slopes of Beinn Leabhainn, the more northerly top, but the large flocks encountered on the last two walks were thankfully absent and Ben was off his lead all day. Since he discovered that he likes water, he is in to every pool that he passes.....

I was congratulating myself that I would be taking a nice clean dog back home when he decided to investigate a particularly juicy peat hag!

With Meall Buidhe being in the centre of the hills of the southern highlands, it is a really good viewpoint. This is looking to the Glen Dochart Munros- Ben Challum, Sgiath Chuil etc as we approached the top.....

The top was marked by three cairns, the most northerly one appears to be the highest point......

Meall nam Tarmachan and some of the Ben Lawers group are to the north.....

But I think that the best view is from the other cairns looking down Glen Ogle to Loch Earn with Ben Vorlich and Stuc a'Chroin beyond. It was worth climbing just for this view alone.....

although the view to Ben More and Stobinian ran it close.....

Judging by the number of cars parked in lay-bys, the Munros and Corbetts were hotching with folk; Ben and I had this lowly Graham to ourselves.

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