Sunday 20 March 2011

Broomy Law

19 March.
Participants - Me and Ben
Where - Broomy Law, 426m/1,399', Sub-2,000' Marilyn, Map 72, 085429

Broomy Law was one of the few Marilyn's that I had not climbed that was within range of a short half day trip. I had passed it on umpteen occasions but had never stopped and with another dry but cloudy day forecast and with fresh snow still covering the highland hills, the time had arrived to add it to the list. The minor road to the village of Candy Mill had a very broad entrance so I parked there and walked back along the main road for a couple of hundred yards to the start of the track to Brownsbank farm which continued as the access track to the phone masts on top of the hill.....

There were lots of sheep about so Ben had to stay on his lead for most of the way. There was no cairn or trig, just a collection of unsightly phone masts. I doubt if Broomy Law would get many visitors were it not for the fact that it is on the Marilyn list....

It wasn't obvious which was the actual highest point; here is Ben looking for it with Tinto, the hill that we climbed earlier in the week, in the background.....

There were no sheep at the top of the hill and the top field was also clear so I was able to let Ben off the lead. To extend the walk, we continued on to the slightly lower east top. There are a number of sub-2,000' Marilyns about here; this is looking to Black Mount.....

Then it was back on the lead for The Furry One and a return by the same route with expansive views to the west......

1 comment:

  1. Hi Neil.Passed by Candy Mill Just last week and was intrigued about the name.One on our to do list.
