Wednesday 2 February 2011

Benarty Hill

1 February.

Participants - me and Ben
Where - Benarty Hill, 356m/1,168, Sub-2,000 Marilyn, OS map 58, NT 153979.

The weather wasn't particularly great but the forecast for the rest of the week was worse so out we went. Benarty Hill rises above the south shore of Loch Leven and was ideal for a short day.....

On a previous occasion that I did this one I approached from Vane Farm to the north; not a good route with lots of tangled grass and heather. So this time I took the easy option, a route from the south from an unclassified road that goes to Ballingry. There was parking space for a couple of cars at the start of a signed track that goes up through the forest. Here is Ben encouraging me to get a move on.....

The track is excellent and goes almost to the top of the forest.....

This is obviously a popular route as a path has been formed across the moorland above......

The sky was getting darker and sure enough the rain came on but fortunately the worst of it passed to the north and we pressed on to the trig.....

The trig is only a few yards from the edge of the steep northern slopes and there was a good view of Loch Leven from there with Bishop Hill and the Lomonds' in the background.....


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