Saturday 1 January 2011

So that was 2010.....

Well, that's 2010 over and an enjoyable year it was for hill-walking. I would say that the weather was better than average, despite the long periods at the start and end of the year when thick snow blanketed everything. I climbed 69 hills-13 Munros, 3 Corbetts, 10 Grahams and 42 sub-2,000 Marilyns (I climbed Conic Hill twice.) 18 of these hills were new ones for me and it enabled me to push my Marilyn total beyond 600 and gain access to the Hall of Fame. Can't see me making the upper Hall though! Nonetheless, there are still plenty of new hills to do and lots of repeats that I want to do so I hope that the weather is kind again in 2011.

I'll close the 2010 entries with this picture of the hills of Mull- Beinn Talaidh and Dun da Gaoithe- taken from Oban in April.....

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