Saturday 4 September 2010

Glas Bheinn Mhor

1 September 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Glas Bheinn Mhor, 570m/1,870', Sub-2,000' Marilyn, Map 32, NG 553258

 On a previous visit to Skye, I had thought that the Marilyn of Glas Bheinn Mhor must be a good viewpoint. It rises straight from the shores of Loch Ainort above the houses at Luib.....

Although the forecast was good and the cloud was well above the tops, there wasn't much in the way of blue sky and sunshine when I parked the car on the old road near a cattle shed. Steven had blisters on his feet so he stayed in the car. The hill looked a lot steeper from here than I thought that it was! The going low down was the usual mix of thick heather and grass and bog but to be honest, I was more concerned at avoiding eye contact with a Highland bull and its followers that appeared to be free ranging across the lower slopes. I therefore made a wee diversion to the east slopes and joined the ridge about the 200m contour. Once on the ridge, the going was excellent on short cropped heather and higher up on short grass. Must be a rare occurence on a Skye hill! I soon reached the remains of a dyke and folowed it all the way to the summit. This is looking down the ridge to the start at Luib; Dun Caan on Raasay is prominent.....

The views were all that I expected, pity that the light was a bit flat for photographs. This is the cairn.....

this is looking towards the Glamaig group.....

towards Sgurr nan Gillean with Marsco in front of it.....

looking down on Strath Mor and Loch Slapin....

and the view that I was most looking forward to- towards Belig and Garbh-bheinn with Blaven beyond. Garbh-bheinn is the only Corbett that I have still to climb on Skye and I was able to get a good look at its north ridge which would probably be the ascent route.....

This was a straightforward up and down route which took me 2 hours and 45 minutes.

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