Friday 6 August 2010

Brown Carrick Hill

5 August 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Brown Carrick Hill, 287m/943', Sub-2,000' Marilyn, Map 70, NS 283159

 The weather was still mixed with a lot of showers rattling in so rather than going to get wet on one of the hills of the highlands, I opted for a trip down the Ayrshire coast for this week's walk. The highest point of the Carrick hills- Brown Carrick Hill- is a Marilyn and even better, there is a minor road starting about 5 miles south of Ayr that crosses these hills and makes the ascent a dawdle. You can see the Carrick hills from the beach at Ayr, this is a picture that I took late afternoon on a previous visit.....

The highest point was about a quarter of a mile beyond the top with the communications mast on it; and there was a service road to the mast. The hills hereabouts are exposed to the winds off the Atlantic- many of the trees lean sideways showing the direction and strength of the prevailing winds.....

Arran dominates the views although today it kept disappearing in the rain showers that were blowing about......

The views of the Ayrshire coast were also impressive, this is looking north over Ayr itself.....

Looking past the trig, I could see another island that I must try and visit sometime- Ailsa Craig- which must be one of the most impressive Marilyns.....

The Carrick hills provide good, open, views proving again that you don't have to climb a Munro to get a good hill day out!

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