Sunday 15 August 2010

Beinn Ime, Beinn Narnain

13th August 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Beinn Ime, 1011m/3,318', Munro; Beinn Narnain, 926m/3,038', Munro, Map 56

 Although they are among the nearest Munros to my home, it was years' since I had last climbed these two. I hadn't even been up the improved path from the car park at the head of Loch Long which provides a longer, but easier, approach to the Cobbler corrie. A board in the car park provided some information about how these hills were formed.....

The weather was really nice and there were occasional views from the path down the length of Loch Long......

The Forestry Commission has planted all of this area and although it is a mixed woodland, they have been a bit heavy with the conifers. In a few years time, I guess that it will be just another forest walk with little to see. However, once past the forested area, things improved- the Cobbler came into view for one thing......

All of the paths to the Cobbler seem to have been improved since the last time that I was here. The routes on Beinn Ime and Beinn Narnain however have been left to their own resources and were as rough and wet as ever. Favouritism! I had set out intending to do Beinn Narnain but arriving at the Bealach a'Mhaim, Beinn Ime didn't seem to be all that far away.....

and it would have been a shame to have come this far and not done it. There was a good view west from the Bealach to Beinn Donich and Beinn an Lochain.....

No matter what direction I do it from, I find Beinn Ime a bit of a slog; from this side it is a long, gradual incline up wet grassy slopes. This is looking back from close to the top with Ben Lomond and Beinn Narnain in the background......

The top certainly gives an impression of space and height when looking down Glen Kinglass towards Loch Fyne.....

After chatting with a couple of other people at the top I headed back down to the Bealach with my next objective, Beinn Narnain, ahead.....

And this is the reverse view- Beinn Ime from the slopes of Beinn Narnain.....

Although it is lower, I think that Beinn Narnain has the better views. This is looking down the Clyde estuary with Ailsa Craig and the hills of Arran on the horizon......

And this is looking over the Spearhead towards Ben Lomond.....

I was getting tired, I had not brought enough water, so it was a slow journey back down the path on legs that were getting increasingly wobbly. There was a final view of Ben Lomond over Arrochar before I collapsed into the car.....

According to "The Munros", the day involved 1,320m of ascent. I estimated that the distance was about 9 miles and it took me 7 1/2 hours.

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