Tuesday 27 July 2010


27 July 2010.

Participants - Just me
Where - Corwharn, 611m/2,005', Graham, Map 44, NO 288651

 The hills of Angus were where I was first introduced to hill walking and it is always good to go back. All of the forecasts for today were in agreement- cloud and showers in the west, bright with some sun in the east- so I headed east for a Graham that I had not yet climbed, Corwharn. I parked in a car park and picnic area about a mile from the head of the Backwater Reservoir. This is a relatively new Reservoir- it was opened in 1969 to supply drinking water to folk in Dundee, Angus and parts of east Perthshire. It was quite scenic with the hills of Glen Shee in the background.....

Unfortunately, my map for this area was quite old and everything wasn't marked on it. I therefore took a punt and followed the road towards its end for about 1/3 mile to take a track that I had noticed going into a forest on the side of the hill that I wanted to be on. After about 15 minutes walking it was clear that the track was heading deep into the forest rather than up through it. I was just about to turn back when I spotted a break heading steeply uphill, took another chance and followed it and 10 minutes later I emerged on the ridge of Milldewan Hill, exactly where I wanted to be. I could see Corwharn in the distance (left hand one of the two tops).....

As I had hoped, there was a track along the ridge. This is from it getting closer to another top called Cairn Corse.....

The area was clearly prime grouse rearing and shooting territory, I came across a few scrapes in the ground containing a mix of food and grit.....

There weren't many grouse about however.....funny how they seem to know when August 12 is approaching!

It was great wandering along the ridge especially as the weather was getting better and better. This is the view west to Mount Blair.....

and north to the Munros of Mayar and Driesh.....

I had noticed a prominent cairn on Corwharn from the moment that I reached the ridge. It turned out to be a stone man and was almost, but not quite, at the highest point on the hill. I reckoned that it was about 7 feet high. This is it with Cat Law in the background.....

I was at the top two hours after leaving the car. It was about 3 miles with only about 1.000' of ascent. For the return, I had thought of dropping down to Glen Quharity but the weather was now so good it would have been a shame to leave the ridge so I just went back the same way. However, rather than fight the forest again, I followed the ridge to its end and dropped down almost directly to the car park. I was glad that I came this way as I came across these two Fallow Deer at the edge of the forest.....

Most of the reports that I have read about this hill recommend an approach from the Glen Prosen side. Although perhaps slightly shorter, looking at the map and from the top of the hill, that route looks a bit shut in for most of the way whereas getting straight up on to Milldewan Hill from the reservoir as I did provides a grand ridge walk with excellent views all the way.

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